UV Rays Effects on Skin and Safe Sunless Alternatives

Why continue abusing your skin with your addiction to tanning beds, when there are terrific self-tanning lotion options available today?

UV Rays Effects on Skin and Safe Sunless Alternatives

While a tan may be the most attractive accessory in the world, the health issues that come with UV tanning aren’t attractive in any way!

Take a look at how UV rays can not only wreck your skin, but also wreck havoc on your health.

Dangers of UV Tanning Beds: Wrinkles, Aging and Skin Cancer

Dangers of UV Tanning Beds: Wrinkles, Aging and Skin Cancer

You may be well aware of the dangers associated with getting too much sun.

You may even wear sunscreen every time you hit the outdoor pool to avoid getting a sunburn.

But, did you know tanning beds can be just as dangerous? Tanning beds come with harmful skin effects.

Not only do their ultraviolet rays lead to increased wrinkles, but they can also cause cancer.

Melanoma, basal and squamous cell carcinomas are often found on the face and neck.

However, when you tan often they can be found all over the body.

These are deadly forms of cancer that are often caught too late to be treated.

Every single time you expose your skin to UV rays, you are putting yourself at a great danger of developing skin cancer.

Getting a yearly skin check is vital to your health. Your doctor can examine your skin and note any changes in moles and appearance.

This could be the one thing that saves your life, if you are plagued with skin cancer.

Skin cancer is genetic (in many cases) and can strike at any age.

Unlike other cancers which most often strike older generations, skin cancer is not uncommon to see in your 20s and 30s.

In fact, even teens can be diagnosed.

Therefore, it’s even more important to protect your children while in the sun.

Beauty Myth: Tanning Beds are Safer than the Sun

Beauty Myth: Tanning Beds are Safer than the Sun

Tanning beds do not create a safer tan than the sun.

The only safe “tan” that exists requires no sun at all (i.e. sunless tanner products or learn to love your natural skin tone).

A tanning bed does limit your exposure to UVB rays that are abundant in sunshine.

UVB rays cause burning of the top layer of skin. However, a tanning bed produces 3 to 8 times the UVA rays that the sun does.

UVA rays can do just as much skin damage as UVB and actually penetrate deeper into the skin layers.

UVA and UVB rays (together or separately) can cause skin cancer, premature aging, winkles, DNA damage, age spots and other not so attractive skin aliments.

Some doctors even say that tanning beds are contributing to the increase in skin cancer amount young people.

Safer Sunless Alternatives To UV Tanning Beds

Safer Sunless Alternatives To UV Tanning Beds

Since you now know what tanning beds can do for your health, we’ll give you the good news.

Safe self tanning products are more abundant than ever!

No longer are the days of the orange-self-tanning experiences. Instead, tanners can choose from the best posh sunless salons to indoor airbrushing.

Those who are still a bit unsure about applying self-tanners themselves can step into a spray tanning booth for fool-proof application.

Lasting only about one minute, these booths are ideal for people who want color instantly and without risks to the health.

If spray tanning booths aren’t in your budget, consider getting a natural tanning enhancer lotion.

These lotions allow you to tan gradually, which often lead to an even tanning experience.

They work with your body’s natural melanin to give you a great color.

Enhanced with bronzer products, they allow you to develop a natural glow over time.

Coppertone, European Gold and Swedish Beauty are all brands offering natural means of bronzing and tanning your skin in a risk-free manner.

Get a Glowing Look with Makeup: Try Applying Bronzer

Get a Glowing Look with Makeup: Try Applying Bronzer

Remember, you can get that glowing tan you love without exposing yourself to harmful UV rays.

Try self-tanning methods to see which one best fits your needs.

You’ll likely find today’s formulas are safe and effective.

They no longer leave you with orange palms or streaks of brown on your legs. Instead, they can be applied easily and without error.

You can get a glow in four hours or less, without the risks associated with tanning indoors or outdoors.


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